The OGame Combat Simulator |
Tutorial1. IntroductionSince SpeedSim got many, many features over the years and there was always a lack of some kind of tutorial for them, I'm going to patch this leak. Because you already found this site I think there is no need to tell you what SpeedSim does. It simulates battles for the well-known browser game OGame and helps planning your raids. For a better understanding the window is splitted into different areas that will be explained within the following section 2. The Main WindowThe main areas are:
![]() 2.1 FleetThis is pretty simple and very self-explaining. Just enter here the attacking and the defending fleet into the input fields. On the right (next to the "->") of every field the average remaining ships will appear. This number is rounded to one digit after the comma. And if no ship of a certain type survived, there will be a 0. The button "<->" swaps the fleets and "X" will delete each fleet and technology. 2.2 DefenseDefense is basicly identical to the fleet. With two little differences: There is no attacking defense (surprise!) and if you activate "IPM-Mode" (over the menu) you will see some checkboxes for Interplanitary Missile Attacks and two more input boxes as shown in the following picture: ![]() Here the primary target was set to Light Lasers and 1 missile has been sent out. The number in brackets beneath the IP-Missile count is the number of missiles (here 35) you will need to destroy the whole defense (including Anti-Ballistic-Missiles). 2.3 TechnologiesEnter here the ship technologies of the attacker and the defender. The drive technologies are those of the attacker (because thats the only one who has to move his fleet to be able to attack). The motor drive techs are also needed to calculate the needed fuel and the flight time. 2.3 OptionsThis is the area where you can quickly edit some of the most important options. More options can be accessed in the menu File->Extended Options or by pressing F4.
2.5 Own position, simulation & the reading field2.6 ResultsSince the most lines of the resuls section are very clear, only some points will be described.
Note! The results field will be updated only after a finished simulation. 2.7 ACS-FleetslotHere you can switch through the ACS-Slots of the combat. You can change them manually by clicking the "->" or "<-" next to the numbers or by pressing Ctrl+Right/Left. Fleet, Defense, Technologies and Positions will be saved and loaded automatically if you change the slot. 2.9 The Button bar
Is you speedsim up todate? You can check it, if you click on "Update Check" and then again on "Update-Check".
If speedsim finds a newer version you'll have to download the new version manually (click on "SpeedSim-Homepage" and download the new version) 2.9 Raid List3. Wave Attacks4. Using the Raid List5. ACS-Attacks6. Changing Ships / Adding Own Ship7. Using the Raid Pupup7. The Espionage Report History |